昇利集团下景泰烟花、金田烟花基地与太平顺意黑火药厂等工厂的基建工作已陸续完善,工厂的整体绿化、菜园也不断的完善,其中桂花树超过3000棵,沉香近2000棵,另外也遍植樟树 、罗汉松及各种果树、爬山虎、莲花等。这里不仅仅是著名的烟花火药生产基地,也是规模庞大的绿色生态园区。我们不仅重视生产安全、规范的烟花生产环境与各种研癸创新,同时也注重职工的良好工作环境,工厂各项生态环境的优化,更多的提供了這些保障。
The infrastructure work of Sunny Group's factories such as Jingtai Fireworks, Jintian Fireworks Base, and Taiping Shunyi Black Powder Factory have been gradually improved, and the overall greening of the factories is also constantly being improved. This is not only a famous fireworks powder production base, but also a large-scale green ecological park. We not only pay attention to production safety, a standardized firework production environment and various research innovations, but also pay attention to a good working environment for employees and the optimization of the factory's various ecological environments, which provide more guarantees.